Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Fragrant Rice

Fragrant Rice

If you have too many complaints towards this world
When you fall down you don't dare to continue walking forward
Why must people be so weak, depraved
I ask you to turn on the TV and see
How many people bravely try hard to continue walking for their life
Shouldn't we be content with what we have?
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it

I still remember you said your home was the only castle, you continue to run with the fragrance of the rice and the flowing river
Smiling, the dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, the eternal dependence of the folk song in the country
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start

Don't be so easy to give up, it's just like I say
For dreams you can't achieve, switch it for another and it'll be fine
Put some colour into your life, firstly paint the colour you like on love
Come on and smile, merit and fame aren't the goals
Let yourself be happy, this is what you call meaning
The paper airplane from my childhood, it's finally flown back to my hand now
That so called happiness, running barefoot in the fields chasing crickets and getting tired
Picking fruits without permission and getting scared from being stung by bees, who's sniggering?
I lean on the scarecrow while being blown by the wind while singing while sleeping
Oh oh, if the sunshine sprinkles on the road then I won't be afraid of being broken-hearted
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it

I still remember you said your home was the only castle, you continue to run with the fragrance of the rice and the flowing river
Smiling, dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, the eternal dependence of the folk song in the country
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start

 Ini translation lirik lagu Jay Chou yang judul aslinya "Dao Xiang". 

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Tuan Hujan Tidak Tau Waktu

Hujan Bulan Juni
Oleh: Sapardi Djoko Damono

Tak ada yang lebih tabah
dari hujan bulan Juni
Dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya
kepada pohon berbunga itu

Tak ada yang lebih bijak
dari hujan bulan Juni
Dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya
yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu

Tak ada yang lebih arif
dari hujan bulan Juni
Dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan
diserap akar pohon bunga itu

Tentang cinta memang selalu rumit. Kenapa tuan hujan harus datang bulan Juni? Apa dia ga bisa menunggu? Terlalu tidak sabar mungkin? Waktu yang tepat, itu penting!! Datanglah di waktu yang tepat Tuan Hujan :) 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Show or Hide??

Growing up isn't easy! Ya. . Banyak emosi yang harus ditahan. Menunjukkan kemarahan yang meluap-luap adalah salah satu emosi yang harus dihindari. Calm down!

Medan, dari sebuah kesimpulan singkat.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Island of Dream

ehm,, ni jurnal aku dapat dari sebuah serial drama asal Filipina. Agak menyentuh jadi aku re-post disini. Coba pahami artinya...

This is where it all began—the magic, and the dream. On this remote island…
I learned to laugh, to live… and for the first time… to feel.
It all started with a photograph…
We were on a boat, on our way to Corregidor… when fate intervened.
She was leaning over the railings trying to reach for a photograph.
I tried to help but instead, startled her into falling overboard.
I cried for help but nobody was around and so I jumped in the water to save her.

It was a crazy thing to do… especially for someone like me who had never done a crazy thing in his life. But, in retrospect, she made me do a lot of crazy things. None of the passengers or crew realized what had happened to us. And so, we drifted, in the middle of the sea with no land nor rescue in sight. And to make matters worse… a storm blew in. It could possibly have been our end.

But I guess we were not meant to die in the middle of the sea…
but rather, spend a week… alone… on a deserted island.

You might think that being swept away on an island with a beautiful girl is sheer heaven. Well, it wasn’t… at least not at first. We were always at odds with each other. We did things differently, with neither one giving in to the other. It was a battle of wits, a battle of the sexes.

I have never met a woman more stubborn than she was. Stuck on an island
with no other person in sight and she still refused to give me her name.She was proud. She was complicated. She was… different.

Once, she caught a crab, but instead of eating it, she named it Sebastian and turned it into a pet. She would rather starve than eat that crab. She’d talk to it more than she’d talk to me. I couldn’t blame her, I guess, because whenever we did, sparks would fly. And to be honest, I did provoke her a lot… I enjoyed making her angry. Because even when she was mad she still looked beautiful.

Later on she was stung by a sea urchin. It’s funny, but I think that sea urchin brought us closer together. After all, how can you not be close to someone who has already peed on you?

Things changed after that. We began to talk to each other. I’ve been
educated by the best universities money has to offer. But on that island, she taught me all the things that the most brilliant professors could not teach. She taught me that life is more than just breathing and working and eking out a form of existence. She taught me to embrace life to its fullest… to appreciate the smallest things… to see the world not for its defects but for its possibilities. She taught me how to laugh. She taught me how to live.

I miss those moments, when we would just sit by the fire, listen to the
sea, and talk quietly. On that island, I was content. I was at peace.
I was… happy.

I wish we could have stayed on that island forever. But it was not to be. We were found and the dream was over.

I wish I could see her again. That woman who challenged me. That woman who cared for me so gently and patiently when I got hurt and cooked her pet crab so I’d have something to eat.

I wish I could be with her again, beside her… talking about everything
and nothing. Because in truth, though I’m back in my world…
I am more lost now, than when we were on that island.

The dream may be over but she will never be forgotten. And though
I don’t even know her name, she will always be here, in my heart.

I jumped in the water to save her… but instead, she was the one who saved me.
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